Abstraction for a node in a computational graph. The most common thing to use here would be the flare.node/const
function for returning a constant
(const input-name data)
(const data)
A node which is a constant in a graph, typically used in dynamic graphs as leaves. The data
is either a tensor or the default factory can make a tensor from it.
(let-scope bindings & body)
Like let
except the right-hand-side of each let binding is wrapped in node/with-scope
using the string name of the left-hand-side variable. The goal is to properly nest the names of all nodes and parameters in graph
[left (module/affine model 10 [5])
right (module/affine model 10 [5])]
(cg/+ left right))
Then the model has ("left/W","left/b", "right/W", "right/b")
(with-scope scope-name & body)
everything in body gets the scope
appended to default scope